nse 1.21 (2022-11-10)
nse 1.20 (2021-04-25)
nse 1.19 (2018-09-13)
nse 1-00.18
- New spectral methods added
nse 1-00.17 (2017-02-08)
nse 1-00.16 (2017-01-24)
nse 1-00.15
- Doc updated
- tests added
- square root returned (NSE) instead of variance
nse 1-00.14
nse 1-00.12
nse 1-00.11
- Fixed AR(p) prewhitening
- AR or ARIMA approximation for Andrews method
- PSD package dependency removed
nse 1-00.10
- Several enhancements; fixed prewhitening
- new naming for prewhitening
- now automatic lag selection for prewhitening possible
nse 1-00.09
- Added glm spectrum estimation and constant block bootstrap estimation
nse 1-00.08
- Fixed bug that occurs when compiling documentation or using devtools::document()
nse 1-00.07
- Citation modified
- Reference modified
nse 1-00.06
- Added Citation
- Added Copyrights
- Change Description
nse 1-00.05
- Deleted some spectral density estimator and added others
- Added overlap batch-means estimator, mcmcse package wrapper
- Added batch option in spectral density for smoother spectral density estimator.
nse 1-00.04
nse 1-00.03
- Added psd package for another spectral density estimator
- Added prewhitening otion for spectral density estimator
nse 1-00.02
- Fixed bug in Roxygen documentation
nse 1-00.01