Title: | Markov-Switching GARCH Models |
Description: | Fit (by Maximum Likelihood or MCMC/Bayesian), simulate, and forecast various Markov-Switching GARCH models as described in Ardia et al. (2019) <doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i04>. |
Authors: | David Ardia [aut] |
Maintainer: | Keven Bluteau <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 2.51 |
Built: | 2025-03-10 05:50:38 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/MSGARCH |
The R package MSGARCH implements a comprehensive
set of functionalities for Markov-switching GARCH (Haas et al. 2004a) and Mixture of GARCH (Haas et al. 2004b) models,
This includes fitting, filtering, forecasting, and simulating.
Other functions related to Value-at-Risk and Expected-Shortfall are also available.
The main functions of the package are coded
in C++
using Rcpp (Eddelbuettel and Francois, 2011)
and RcppArmadillo (Eddelbuettel and Sanderson, 2014).
MSGARCH focuses on the conditional variance (and higher moments) process.
Hence, there is no equation for the mean.
Therefore, you must pre-filter via AR(1) before applying the model.
The MSGARCH package implements a variety of GARCH specifications together with several conditional distributions.
This allows for a rich modeling
environment for Markov-switching GARCH models. Each single-regime process
is a one-lag process (e.g., GARCH(1,1)).
When optimization is performed, we ensure that the variance in each regime is covariance-stationary
and strictly positive (refer to the vignette for more information).
We refer to Ardia et al. (2019a) for a detailed
introduction to the package and its usage. Refer to Ardia et al. (2018) and Ardia et al. (2019b) for
further applications.
The authors acknowledge Google for financial support via the Google Summer of Code 2016 & 2017,
the International Institute of Forecasters and Industrielle-Alliance.
By using MSGARCH you agree to the following rules:
You must cite Ardia et al. (2019a) in working papers and published papers that use MSGARCH.
Use citation("MSGARCH")
You must place the following URL in a footnote to help others find MSGARCH: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=MSGARCH.
You assume all risk for the use of MSGARCH.
Maintainer: Keven Bluteau [email protected] (ORCID)
David Ardia [email protected] (ORCID)
Leopoldo Catania [email protected] (ORCID)
Denis-Alexandre Trottier [email protected]
Other contributors:
Kris Boudt [email protected] (ORCID) [contributor]
Alexios Ghalanos [email protected] [contributor]
Brian Peterson [email protected] [contributor]
Ardia, D. Bluteau, K. Boudt, K. Catania, L. (2018). Forecasting risk with Markov-switching GARCH models: A large-scale performance study. International Journal of Forecasting, 34(4), 733-747. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2018.05.004
Ardia, D. Bluteau, K. Boudt, K. Catania, L. Trottier, D.-A. (2019a). Markov-switching GARCH models in R: The MSGARCH package. Journal of Statistical Software, 91(4), 1-38. doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i04
Ardia, D. Bluteau, K. Ruede, M. (2019b). Regime changes in Bitcoin GARCH volatility dynamics. Finance Research Letters, 29, 266-271. doi:10.1016/j.frl.2018.08.009
Eddelbuettel, D. & Francois, R. (2011).
Rcpp: Seamless R and C++
Journal of Statistical Software, 40, 1-18.
Eddelbuettel, D. & Sanderson, C. (2014).
RcppArmadillo: Accelerating R with high-performance C++
linear algebra.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 71, 1054-1063.
Haas, M. Mittnik, S. & Paolella, MS. (2004). A new approach to Markov-switching GARCH models. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2, 493-530. doi:10.1093/jjfinec/nbh020
Haas, M. Mittnik, S. & Paolella, M. S. (2004b). Mixed normal conditional heteroskedasticity. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2, 211-250. doi:10.1093/jjfinec/nbh009
Useful links:
Creates a model specification before fitting and using the MSGARCH functionalities.
CreateSpec( variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH", "sGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("norm", "norm")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE, K = NULL), constraint.spec = list(fixed = list(), regime.const = NULL), prior = list(mean = list(), sd = list()) )
CreateSpec( variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH", "sGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("norm", "norm")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE, K = NULL), constraint.spec = list(fixed = list(), regime.const = NULL), prior = list(mean = list(), sd = list()) )
variance.spec |
distribution.spec |
switch.spec |
constraint.spec |
prior |
The Markov-Switching specification is based on the
Haas et al. (2004a) MSGARCH specification. It is a MSGARCH model that is separated
in K single-regime specifications which are updated in parallel. Under the Haas et al. (2004a)
specification, the conditional variance is a function of past data and the current state.
The Mixture of GARCH option (do.mix = TRUE
) is based on Haas et al. (2004b). A Mixture of GARCH is a mixture of distributions
where the variance process of each distribution is a single-regime process.
For the models, "sARCH"
is the ARCH(1) model (Engle, 1982), "sGARCH"
the GARCH(1,1) model
(Bollerslev, 1986), "eGARCH"
the EGARCH(1,1) model (Nelson, 1991), "gjrGARCH"
the GJR(1,1) model (Glosten et al., 1993), and "tGARCH"
the TGARCH(1,1) model (Zakoian, 1994).
For the distributions, "norm"
is the Normal distribution, "std"
Student-t distribution, and "ged"
the GED distribution.
Their skewed version, implemented via the Fernandez and & Steel (1998) transformation,
are "snorm"
, "sstd"
and "sged"
Please see Ardia et al. (2019) for more details on the models and distributions.
The user must choose between fixed
or regime.const
in contraint.spec
as both cannot be set at the same time. The list
will ensure that the chosen fixed parameters will be fixed during optimization according to
the values set by the user.
Thus only the non-fixed parameters are optimized. The vector regime.const
ensure that the chosen parameters will be the same across regime during optimization.
The list
and sd
in prior
will adjust the prior mean and
prior standard deviation of the truncated Normal prior for MCMC
estimation via FitMCMC
according to the inputed prior mean and standard deviation.
Those prior means and standard deviations that are not set will take on preset default values (a mean
of zero and a variance of 1,000).
A list of class MSGARCH_SPEC
with the following elements:
: Vector (of size d) of default parameters.
: Logical indicating if the specification is a mixture.
: Number of regimes.
: Vector (of size d) of lower parameters' bounds.
: Vector (of size d) of upper parameters' bounds.
: Vector (of size K) of the total number of parameters by
regime including distributions' parameters.
: Vector (of size K) of the total number of parameters
by regime excluding distributions' parameters.
: Vector (of size d) of parameters' labels.
: Vector (of size K) of model specifications' names.
: List of internally used R functions.
: List of internally used Rcpp
: List of user inputed fixed parameters.
: Vector of user imputed parameter set equal across regimes.
: Logical indicating if there is any fixed parameteter set by the user.
: Logical indicating if there is any parameteters
equal across regime set by the user.
class has the following methods:
: Simulation.
: In-sample conditional volatility.
: Forecast of the conditional volatility (and predictive distribution).
: Unconditional volatility.
: Predictive density (pdf).
: Probability Integral Transform.
: Value-at-Risk and Expected-Shortfall.
: State probabilities (smoothed, filtered, predictive, Viterbi).
: Maximum Likelihood estimation.
: Bayesian estimation.
and summary
: Summary of the created specification.
Ardia, D. Bluteau, K. Boudt, K. Catania, L. Trottier, D.-A. (2019). Markov-switching GARCH models in R: The MSGARCH package. Journal of Statistical Software, 91(4), 1-38. doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i04
Engle, R. (1982). Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity with estimates of the variance of United Kingdom inflation Econometrica, 50, 987-1008.
Bollerslev, T. (1986). Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. Journal of Econometrics, 31, 307-327. doi:10.1016/0304-4076(86)90063-1
Fernandez, C. & Steel, M. F. (1998). On Bayesian modeling of fat tails and skewness. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93, 359-371. doi:10.1080/01621459.1998.10474117
Glosten, L. R. Jagannathan, R. & Runkle, D. E. (1993). On the relation between the expected value and the volatility of the nominal excess return on stocks. Journal of Finance, 48, 1779-1801. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1993.tb05128.x
Haas, M. Mittnik, S. & Paolella, M. S. (2004a). A new approach to Markov-switching GARCH models. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2, 493-530. doi:10.1093/jjfinec/nbh020
Haas, M. Mittnik, S. & Paolella, M. S. (2004b). Mixed normal conditional heteroskedasticity. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2, 211-250. doi:10.1093/jjfinec/nbh009
Nelson, D. B. (1991). Conditional heteroskedasticity in asset returns: A new approach. Econometrica, 59, 347-370.
Zakoian, J.-M. (1994). Threshold heteroskedastic models. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 18, 931-955. doi:10.1016/0165-1889(94)90039-6
# create a Markov-switching specification # MS-GARCH(1,1)-GJR(1,1)-Student spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH","gjrGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std","std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE)) print(spec) # create a 3-regime Markov-switching specification with the help of variable K # MS(3)-GARCH(1,1)- Student spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE, K = 3)) print(spec) # create a mixture specification # MIX-GARCH(1,1)-GJR(1,1)-Student spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH","gjrGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std","std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = TRUE)) print(spec) # setting fixed parameter for the sGARCH beta parameter # MS-GARCH(1,1)-GJR(1,1)-Student with beta_1 fixed to 0 spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH","gjrGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std","std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE), constraint.spec = list(fixed = list(beta_1 = 0))) print(spec) # setting restriction for the shape parameter of the Student-t across regimes # MS-GARCH(1,1)-GJR(1,1)-Student with shape parameter constraint across regime spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH","gjrGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std","std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE), constraint.spec = list(regime.const = c("nu"))) print(spec) # setting custom parameter priors for the beta parameters # MS-GARCH(1,1)-GJR(1,1)-Student with prior modification spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH","gjrGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std","std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE), prior = list(mean = list(beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.3), sd = list(beta_1 = 0.05, beta_2 = 0.01))) print(spec)
# create a Markov-switching specification # MS-GARCH(1,1)-GJR(1,1)-Student spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH","gjrGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std","std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE)) print(spec) # create a 3-regime Markov-switching specification with the help of variable K # MS(3)-GARCH(1,1)- Student spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE, K = 3)) print(spec) # create a mixture specification # MIX-GARCH(1,1)-GJR(1,1)-Student spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH","gjrGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std","std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = TRUE)) print(spec) # setting fixed parameter for the sGARCH beta parameter # MS-GARCH(1,1)-GJR(1,1)-Student with beta_1 fixed to 0 spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH","gjrGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std","std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE), constraint.spec = list(fixed = list(beta_1 = 0))) print(spec) # setting restriction for the shape parameter of the Student-t across regimes # MS-GARCH(1,1)-GJR(1,1)-Student with shape parameter constraint across regime spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH","gjrGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std","std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE), constraint.spec = list(regime.const = c("nu"))) print(spec) # setting custom parameter priors for the beta parameters # MS-GARCH(1,1)-GJR(1,1)-Student with prior modification spec <- CreateSpec(variance.spec = list(model = c("sGARCH","gjrGARCH")), distribution.spec = list(distribution = c("std","std")), switch.spec = list(do.mix = FALSE), prior = list(mean = list(beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.3), sd = list(beta_1 = 0.05, beta_2 = 0.01))) print(spec)
The vector
contains daily observations of the Deutschmark vs British Pound foreign exchange
rate log-returns. This dataset has been promoted as an informal benchmark for GARCH
time-series software validation. See McCullough and Renfro (1999), and Brooks, Burke, and Persand
(2001) for details. The nominal returns are expressed in percent as in Bollerslev and Ghysels
(1996). The sample period is from January 3, 1984, to December 31, 1991, for a total of 1974
of size 1,974.
Bollerslev T., Ghysels, E. (1996) Periodic autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 14, 139-151.
Brooks C., Burke S. P., Persand G. (2001) International Journal of Forecasting, 17, 45-57. doi:10.1016/S0169-2070(00)00070-4
McCullough B. D., Renfro C. G. (1999) Benchmarks and software standards: A case study of GARCH procedures. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 25, 59-71. doi:10.3233/JEM-1999-0160
Method which computes the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) from a fit object of type
created with FitMCMC
DIC(fit) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' DIC(fit)
DIC(fit) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' DIC(fit)
fit |
Fit object of type |
Computes the Deviance information criterion of Spiegelhalter et al. (2002).
A list with the following elements:
: Deviance Information Criterion.
: Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion (IC = 2 * pV + D.bar).
: Effective number of parameters (pV = var(D)/2).
: Expected value of the deviance over the posterior.
Spiegelhalter, David J., et al. (2002). Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 64, 583-639 doi:10.1111/1467-9868.00353
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on data by MCMC set.seed(123) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI, ctr = list(nburn = 500L, nmcmc = 500L)) # compute DIC DIC(fit)
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on data by MCMC set.seed(123) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI, ctr = list(nburn = 500L, nmcmc = 500L)) # compute DIC DIC(fit)
Extracts each regime from a fitted multiple regime specificaton and creates a fitted object for each extracted regime.
ExtractStateFit(object) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' ExtractStateFit(object) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' ExtractStateFit(object)
ExtractStateFit(object) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' ExtractStateFit(object) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' ExtractStateFit(object)
object |
Fit object of type |
A list of K
elements where each element is a fit object of type MSGARCH_ML_FIT
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data with ML estimation fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) SR.fit <- ExtractStateFit(fit) print(SR.fit)
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data with ML estimation fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) SR.fit <- ExtractStateFit(fit) print(SR.fit)
Method that performs MCMC/Bayesian estimation of
object on a set of observations.
FitMCMC(spec, data, ctr = list())
FitMCMC(spec, data, ctr = list())
spec |
Model specification of class |
data |
Vector (of size T) of observations. |
ctr |
A list of control parameters:
The total number of draws is equal to nmcmc / nthin
The MCMC/Bayesian estimation relies on an Rcpp implementation of the adaptive sampler of Vihola (2012).
The implementation is based on the R package adaptMCMC (Andreas, 2012).
Starting values when par0
is not provided are chosen automatically
before sampling (see Ardia et al. (2019) for more details).SamplerFUN
allows for a custom sampler to be used. The function
must take the form: function(f_posterior, data, spec, par0, ctr)
where f_posterior
is the function to optimize, data
the data, spec
is the specification,
are the starting parameters, and ctr
are the control
parameters. The inputs spec
and data
must be passed as inputs in the sampler (see *Examples*).
The custom sampler must output a matrix containing the MCMC chain.
When do.sort = TRUE
, sorting of each MCMC draw conditional on the unconditional variance is done across homogeneous regime specification.
A list of class MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT
with the following elements:
: The MCMC chain (matrix from the R package
(Plummer et al., 2006) of size nmcmc
/ nthin
x d).
: Acceptance rate of the sampler.
: Model specification of class MSGARCH_SPEC
created with CreateSpec
: Vector (of size T) of observations.
: list
of the control used for the fit.
with the following methods:
: Deviance Information Criterion (DIC).
: Simulation.
: In-sample conditional volatility.
: Forecast of the conditional volatility (and predictive distribution).
: Unconditional volatility.
: Predictive density (pdf).
: Probability Integral Transform.
: Value-at-Risk and Expected-Shortfall.
: State probabilities (smoothed, filtered, predictive, Viterbi).
: Single-regime model extractor.
: Summary of the fit.
Andreas, S. (2012).
: Implementation of a generic adaptive Monte Carlo Markov chain sampler.
Ardia, D. Bluteau, K. Boudt, K. Catania, L. Trottier, D.-A. (2019). Markov-switching GARCH models in R: The MSGARCH package. Journal of Statistical Software, 91(4), 1-38. doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i04
Geweke J (2007). Interpretation and Inference in Mixture Models: Simple MCMC Works. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51(7), 3529-3550. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2006.11.026
MacDonald, I.L., Zucchini, W. (1997). Hidden Markov and other models for discrete-valued time series. CRC press.
Plummer, M. Best, N. Cowles, K. & Vines, K. (2006).
: Convergence diagnosis and output analysis for MCMC.
R News, 6, 7-11.
Vihola, M. (2012). Robust adaptive Metropolis algorithm with coerced acceptance rate. Statistics and Computing, 22, 997-1008. doi:10.1007/s11222-011-9269-5
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data by MCMC set.seed(123) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI, ctr = list(nburn = 500L, nmcmc = 500L, nthin = 1L)) summary(fit) # custom sampler example ## Not run: library("mcmc") f_MCMC <- function(f_posterior, data, spec, par0, ctr){ par <- mcmc::metrop(f_posterior, initial = par0, nbatch = ctr$nmcmc + ctr$nburn, data = data, spec = spec)$batch colnames(par) = names(par0) return(par) } set.seed(123) fit <- FitMCMC(spec, data = SMI, ctr = list(SamplerFUN = f_MCMC, nburn = 500L, nmcmc = 500L, nthin = 1L)) summary(fit) ## End(Not run)
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data by MCMC set.seed(123) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI, ctr = list(nburn = 500L, nmcmc = 500L, nthin = 1L)) summary(fit) # custom sampler example ## Not run: library("mcmc") f_MCMC <- function(f_posterior, data, spec, par0, ctr){ par <- mcmc::metrop(f_posterior, initial = par0, nbatch = ctr$nmcmc + ctr$nburn, data = data, spec = spec)$batch colnames(par) = names(par0) return(par) } set.seed(123) fit <- FitMCMC(spec, data = SMI, ctr = list(SamplerFUN = f_MCMC, nburn = 500L, nmcmc = 500L, nthin = 1L)) summary(fit) ## End(Not run)
Method that performs Maximum Likelihood estimation
object on a set of observations.
FitML(spec, data, ctr = list())
FitML(spec, data, ctr = list())
spec |
Model specification created with |
data |
Vector (of size T) of observations. |
ctr |
A list of control parameters:
By default, OptimFUN
is set such that optimization is done via the well-known Broyden-
Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm using the optim
function with method =
Starting values when par0
is not provided are chosen automatically
before optimization (see Ardia et al. (2019) for more details)OptimFUN
allows for a custom optimizer to be used. The function must take
the form: function(vPw, f_nll, spec, data, do.plm)
where vPw
are starting parameters (transformed), f_nll
is the function
to be minimize, spec
is the specification, data
is the data,
and do.plm
the originally inputed or default do.plm
The inputs spec
, data
, and do.plm
must be passed as inputs in the optimizer (see *Examples*).
It must output a list with the following elements:
: Optimal negative log-likelihood.
: Optimal parameters.
A list of class MSGARCH_ML_FIT
with the following elements:
: Vector (of size d) of optimal parameters.
: Log-likelihood of y
given the optimal parameters.
: list
with elements MatCoef
and Hessian
is a matrix (of size d x 4) with optimal parameter estimates, standard errors, t-stats, and p-values.
is the Hessian (matrix of size d x d) of the negative log-likelihood function
evaluated at the optimal parameter estimates par
: Model specification of class MSGARCH_SPEC
created with CreateSpec
: Vector (of size T) of observations.
: list
of the control used for the fit.
with the following methods:
: Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).
: Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).
: Simulation.
: In-sample conditional volatility.
: Forecast of the conditional volatility (and predictive distribution).
: Unconditional volatility.
: Predictive density (pdf).
: Probability Integral Transform.
: Value-at-Risk and Expected-Shortfall.
: State probabilities (smoothed, filtered, predictive, Viterbi).
: Single-regime model extractor.
: Summary of the fit.
Ardia, D. Bluteau, K. Boudt, K. Catania, L. Trottier, D.-A. (2019). Markov-switching GARCH models in R: The MSGARCH package. Journal of Statistical Software, 91(4), 1-38. doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i04
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data by ML fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) summary(fit) # custom optimizer example ## Not run: f_custom_optim <- function(vPw, f_nll, spec, data, do.plm){ out <- stats::optim(vPw, f_nll, spec = spec, data = data, do.plm = do.plm, method = "Nelder-Mead") return(out) } set.seed(123) fit <- FitML(spec, data = SMI, ctr = list(OptimFUN = f_custom_optim)) summary(fit) ## End(Not run)
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data by ML fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) summary(fit) # custom optimizer example ## Not run: f_custom_optim <- function(vPw, f_nll, spec, data, do.plm){ out <- stats::optim(vPw, f_nll, spec = spec, data = data, do.plm = do.plm, method = "Nelder-Mead") return(out) } set.seed(123) fit <- FitML(spec, data = SMI, ctr = list(OptimFUN = f_custom_optim)) summary(fit) ## End(Not run)
Method returning the probability integral transform (PIT).
PIT(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' PIT( object, x = NULL, par = NULL, data = NULL, do.norm = FALSE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' PIT( object, x = NULL, newdata = NULL, do.norm = TRUE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' PIT( object, x = NULL, newdata = NULL, do.norm = TRUE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... )
PIT(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' PIT( object, x = NULL, par = NULL, data = NULL, do.norm = FALSE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' PIT( object, x = NULL, newdata = NULL, do.norm = TRUE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' PIT( object, x = NULL, newdata = NULL, do.norm = TRUE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... )
object |
Model specification of class |
... |
Not used. Other arguments to |
x |
Vector (of size n). Used when |
par |
Vector (of size d) or matrix (of size |
data |
Vector (of size T) of observations. |
do.norm |
Logical indicating if the PIT values are transformed
into standard Normal variate. (Default: |
do.its |
Logical indicating if the in-sample PIT is returned. (Default: |
nahead |
Scalar indicating the number of step-ahead evaluation.
Valid only when |
do.cumulative |
Logical indicating if the PIT is computed on the cumulative simulations (typically log-returns, as they can be aggregated).
Only available for |
ctr |
A list of control parameters:
newdata |
Vector (of size T*) of new observations. (Default: |
If a matrix of MCMC posterior draws is given, the
Bayesian probability integral transform is calculated.
Two or more step-ahead probability integral
transform are estimated via simulation of nsim
paths up to t = T + T* + nahead
The empirical probability integral transforms is then inferred from these simulations.
If do.its = FALSE
, the vector x
are evaluated as t = T + T* + 1, ... ,t = T + T* + nahead
If do.its = TRUE
, x
is evaluated
at each time t
up to time t = T + T*
Finally if x = NULL
the vector data
is evaluated for sample evaluation of the PIT.
The do.norm
argument transforms the PIT value into Normal variates so that normality test can be done.
A vector or matrix of class MSGARCH_PIT
If do.its = FALSE
: Probability integral transform of the
points x
at t = T + T* + 1, ... ,t = T + T* + nahead
or Normal variate derived from the probability
integral transform of x
(matrix of size nahead
x n).
If do.its = TRUE
: In-sample probability integral transform or Normal variate
derived from the probability integral transform of data
if x = NULL
(vector of
size T + T*) or in-sample probability integral transform or Normal variate
derived from the probability integral transform of x
(matrix of size (T + T*) x n).
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data by ML fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) # run PIT method in-sample pit.its <- PIT(object = fit, do.norm = TRUE, do.its = TRUE) # diagnostic of PIT with qqnorm qqnorm(pit.its) qqline(pit.its) # simulate a serie from the model set.seed(123) sim.series <- simulate(object = spec, par = fit$par, nahead= 1000L, nsim = 1L) sim.series <- as.vector(sim.series$draw) # run PIT method on the simualed serie with the true par pit.x <- PIT(object = spec, par = fit$par, data = sim.series, do.norm = TRUE, do.its = TRUE) qqnorm(pit.x) qqline(pit.x)
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data by ML fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) # run PIT method in-sample pit.its <- PIT(object = fit, do.norm = TRUE, do.its = TRUE) # diagnostic of PIT with qqnorm qqnorm(pit.its) qqline(pit.its) # simulate a serie from the model set.seed(123) sim.series <- simulate(object = spec, par = fit$par, nahead= 1000L, nsim = 1L) sim.series <- as.vector(sim.series$draw) # run PIT method on the simualed serie with the true par pit.x <- PIT(object = spec, par = fit$par, data = sim.series, do.norm = TRUE, do.its = TRUE) qqnorm(pit.x) qqline(pit.x)
Conditional volatility (and predictive distribution) forecasts.
## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' predict( object, newdata = NULL, nahead = 1L, do.return.draw = FALSE, par = NULL, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' predict( object, newdata = NULL, nahead = 1L, do.return.draw = FALSE, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' predict( object, newdata = NULL, nahead = 1L, do.return.draw = FALSE, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... )
## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' predict( object, newdata = NULL, nahead = 1L, do.return.draw = FALSE, par = NULL, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' predict( object, newdata = NULL, nahead = 1L, do.return.draw = FALSE, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' predict( object, newdata = NULL, nahead = 1L, do.return.draw = FALSE, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... )
object |
Model specification of class |
newdata |
Vector (of size T*) of new observations. (Default |
nahead |
Scalar indicating the number of step-ahead evaluation. |
do.return.draw |
Are simulation draws from the predictive distribution
returned? (Default |
par |
Vector (of size d) or matrix (of size |
do.cumulative |
Logical indicating if the conditional volatility
prediction is computed on the cumulative simulations (typically log-returns, as they can be aggregated).
(Default: |
ctr |
A list of control parameters:
... |
Not used. Other arguments to |
If a matrix of MCMC posterior draws is given, the Bayesian predictive conditional volatility (and predictive distribution) forecasts are returned.
A list of class MSGARCH_FORECAST
with the following elements:
: Condititional volatility forecast (vector of size nahead
: If do.return.draw = TRUE
Draws sampled from the predictive distributions (matrix of size nahead
x nsim
If do.return.draw = FALSE
class contains the plot
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # predict from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) set.seed(1234) pred <- predict(object = spec, par = par, newdata = SMI, nahead = 5L) head(pred) plot(pred) # predict from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) set.seed(1234) pred <- predict(object = fit, nahead = 5L, do.return.draw = TRUE) head(pred) plot(pred) ## Not run: set.seed(1234) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) pred <- predict(object = fit, nahead = 5L, do.return.draw = TRUE) plot(pred) ## End(Not run)
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # predict from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) set.seed(1234) pred <- predict(object = spec, par = par, newdata = SMI, nahead = 5L) head(pred) plot(pred) # predict from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) set.seed(1234) pred <- predict(object = fit, nahead = 5L, do.return.draw = TRUE) head(pred) plot(pred) ## Not run: set.seed(1234) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) pred <- predict(object = fit, nahead = 5L, do.return.draw = TRUE) plot(pred) ## End(Not run)
Method returning the predictive density (pdf).
PredPdf(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' PredPdf( object, x = NULL, par = NULL, data = NULL, log = FALSE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' PredPdf( object, x = NULL, newdata = NULL, log = FALSE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' PredPdf( object, x = NULL, newdata = NULL, log = FALSE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... )
PredPdf(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' PredPdf( object, x = NULL, par = NULL, data = NULL, log = FALSE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' PredPdf( object, x = NULL, newdata = NULL, log = FALSE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' PredPdf( object, x = NULL, newdata = NULL, log = FALSE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... )
object |
Model specification of class |
... |
Not used. Other arguments to |
x |
Vector (of size n). Used when |
par |
Vector (of size d) or matrix (of size |
data |
Vector (of size T) of observations. |
log |
Logical indicating if the log-density is returned. (Default: |
do.its |
Logical indicating if the in-sample predictive is returned. (Default: |
nahead |
Scalar indicating the number of step-ahead evaluation.
Valid only when |
do.cumulative |
Logical indicating if predictive density is computed on the
cumulative simulations (typically log-returns, as they can be aggregated).
Only available for |
ctr |
A list of control parameters:
newdata |
Vector (of size T*) of new observations. (Default |
If a matrix of MCMC posterior draws is given, the Bayesian
predictive probability density is calculated.
Two or more step-ahead predictive probability density are estimated via simulation of nsim
paths up to
t = T + T* + nahead
. The predictive distribution are then inferred from these
simulations via a Gaussian Kernel density.
If do.its = FALSE
, the vector x
are evaluated as t = T + T* + 1, ... ,t = T + T* + nahead
If do.its = TRUE
and x
is evaluated
at each time t
up top time t = T + T*
Finally, if x = NULL
the vector data
is evaluated for sample
evaluation of the predictive denisty ((log-)likelihood of each sample points).
A vector or matrix of class MSGARCH_PRED
If do.its = FALSE
: (Log-)predictive of
the points x
at t = T + T* + 1, ... ,t = T + T* + nahead
(matrix of
size nahead
x n).
If do.its = TRUE
: In-sample predictive of data
if x = NULL
(vector of size T + T*) or in-sample predictive of x
(matrix of size (T + T*) x n).
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data by ML fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) # run PredPdf method in-sample pred.its <- PredPdf(object = fit, log = TRUE, do.its = TRUE) # create a mesh x <- seq(-3,3,0.01) # run PredPdf method on mesh at T + 1 pred.x <- PredPdf(object = fit, x = x, log = TRUE, do.its = FALSE)
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data by ML fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) # run PredPdf method in-sample pred.its <- PredPdf(object = fit, log = TRUE, do.its = TRUE) # create a mesh x <- seq(-3,3,0.01) # run PredPdf method on mesh at T + 1 pred.x <- PredPdf(object = fit, x = x, log = TRUE, do.its = FALSE)
Method returning the Value-at-Risk and Expected-shortfall risk measures.
Risk(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' Risk( object, par, data, alpha = c(0.01, 0.05), nahead = 1L, do.es = TRUE, do.its = FALSE, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' Risk( object, newdata = NULL, alpha = c(0.01, 0.05), do.es = TRUE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' Risk( object, newdata = NULL, alpha = c(0.01, 0.05), do.es = TRUE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... )
Risk(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' Risk( object, par, data, alpha = c(0.01, 0.05), nahead = 1L, do.es = TRUE, do.its = FALSE, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' Risk( object, newdata = NULL, alpha = c(0.01, 0.05), do.es = TRUE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' Risk( object, newdata = NULL, alpha = c(0.01, 0.05), do.es = TRUE, do.its = FALSE, nahead = 1L, do.cumulative = FALSE, ctr = list(), ... )
object |
Model specification of class |
... |
Not used. Other arguments to |
par |
Vector (of size d) or matrix (of size |
data |
Vector (of size T) of observations. |
alpha |
Vector (of size R) of Value-at-risk and Expected-shortfall levels. |
nahead |
Scalar indicating the number of step-ahead evaluation. (Default: |
do.es |
Logical indicating if Expected-shortfall is also calculated.
(Default: |
do.its |
Logical indicating if the in-sample risk estimators are returned.
(Default: |
do.cumulative |
Logical indicating if the risk measures are computed on the
cumulative simulations (typically log-returns, as they can be aggregated).
Only available for |
ctr |
A list of control parameters:
newdata |
Vector (of size T*) of new observations. (Default |
If a matrix of MCMC posterior draws is given, the
Bayesian Value-at-Risk and Expected-shortfall are calculated.
Two or more step ahead risk measures are estimated via simulation of nsim
paths up to
t = T + T* + nahead
If do.its = FALSE
, the risk estimators at t = T + T* + 1, ... ,t = T + T* + nahead
are computed. do.cumulative = TRUE
indicate the function to compute the risk meausre
over aggregated period up to nahead
period using the cumsum
function on the simulated data.
A list of class MSGARCH_RISK
with the following elements:
If do.its = FALSE
: Value-at-Risk at t = T + T* + 1, ... ,t = T + T* + nahead
at the
chosen levels (matrix of size nahead
x R).
If do.its = TRUE
: In-sample Value-at-Risk at the chosen levels (Matrix of size (T + T*) x R).
If do.its = FALSE
: Expected-shortfall at t = T + T* + 1, ... ,t = T + T* + nahead
at the
chosen levels (matrix of size nahead
x R).
If do.its = TRUE
: In-sample Expected-shortfall at the chosen levels (Matrix of size (T + T*) x R).
contains the plot
Note that the MCMC/Bayesian risk estimator can take long time to calculate
depending on the size of the MCMC chain.
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # risk from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) set.seed(1234) risk <- Risk(object = spec, par = par, data = SMI, nahead = 5L) head(risk) plot(risk) # risk from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) set.seed(1234) risk <- Risk(object = fit, nahead = 5L) head(risk) plot(risk) ## Not run: # risk from MCMC fit set.seed(1234) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) risk <- Risk(object = fit, nahead = 5L) head(risk) plot(risk) ## End(Not run)
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # risk from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) set.seed(1234) risk <- Risk(object = spec, par = par, data = SMI, nahead = 5L) head(risk) plot(risk) # risk from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) set.seed(1234) risk <- Risk(object = fit, nahead = 5L) head(risk) plot(risk) ## Not run: # risk from MCMC fit set.seed(1234) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) risk <- Risk(object = fit, nahead = 5L) head(risk) plot(risk) ## End(Not run)
Method for simulating MSGARCH
## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' simulate( object, nsim = 1L, seed = NULL, nahead = 1L, par = NULL, nburn = 500L, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' simulate(object, nsim = 1L, seed = NULL, nahead = 1L, nburn = 500L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' simulate(object, nsim = 1L, seed = NULL, nahead = 1L, nburn = 500L, ...)
## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' simulate( object, nsim = 1L, seed = NULL, nahead = 1L, par = NULL, nburn = 500L, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' simulate(object, nsim = 1L, seed = NULL, nahead = 1L, nburn = 500L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' simulate(object, nsim = 1L, seed = NULL, nahead = 1L, nburn = 500L, ...)
object |
Model specification of class |
nsim |
Number of simulations. (Default: |
seed |
Integer indicating if and how the random number generator should be initialized.
If |
nahead |
Simulation length. (Default: |
par |
Vector (of size d) or matrix (of size |
nburn |
Burnin period discarded (first simulation draws). |
... |
Not used. Other arguments to |
If a matrix of parameters estimates is provided, nsim
simuations will be done for each row.
A list of class MSGARCH_SIM
with the following elements:.
: Matrix (of size nahead
x nsim
) of simulated draws.
: Matrix (of size nahead
x nsim
) of simulated states.
: Array (of size nahead
x nsim
x K) of simulated conditional volatilities.
class contains the plot
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() # simulation from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) set.seed(1234) sim <- simulate(object = spec, nsim = 1L, nahead = 1000L, nburn = 500L, par = par) head(sim) plot(sim) # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # simulation from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) set.seed(1234) sim <- simulate(object = fit, nsim = 1L, nahead = 1000L, nburn = 500L) head(sim) plot(sim) ## Not run: # simulation from MCMC fit fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) set.seed(1234) sim <- simulate(object = fit, nahead = 100L, nburn = 500L) head(sim) plot(sim) ## End(Not run)
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() # simulation from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) set.seed(1234) sim <- simulate(object = spec, nsim = 1L, nahead = 1000L, nburn = 500L, par = par) head(sim) plot(sim) # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # simulation from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) set.seed(1234) sim <- simulate(object = fit, nsim = 1L, nahead = 1000L, nburn = 500L) head(sim) plot(sim) ## Not run: # simulation from MCMC fit fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) set.seed(1234) sim <- simulate(object = fit, nahead = 100L, nburn = 500L) head(sim) plot(sim) ## End(Not run)
See Mullen et al. (2011) for a description of this dataset.
object containing 2,500 observations ranging from 1990-11-12 to 2000-10-20.
Mullen, K.M, Ardia, D., Gil, D., Windover, D., Cline, J. (2011).
: An R Package for Global Optimization by Differential Evolution.
Journal of Statistical Software, 40(6), 1-26.
Method returning the filtered, predictive, and smoothed probabilities of the states, and the most probable path computed with the Viterbi algorithm.
State(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' State(object, par, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' State(object, newdata = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' State(object, newdata = NULL, ...)
State(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' State(object, par, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' State(object, newdata = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' State(object, newdata = NULL, ...)
object |
Model specification of class |
... |
Not used. Other arguments to |
par |
Vector (of size d) or matrix (of size |
data |
Vector (of size T) of observations. |
newdata |
Vector (of size T*) of new observations. (Default |
If a matrix of parameter estimates is given, each parameter estimate (each row) is evaluated individually.
A list of class MSGARCH_PSTATE
with the following elements:
: Filtered probabilities (array of size (T + T*) x (nmcmc or 1
) x K).
: Predictive probabilities (array of size (T + T* + 1) x (nmcmc or 1
) x K).
: Smoothed probabilities (array of size (T + T* + 1) x (nmcmc or 1
) x K).
: Most likely path (matrix of size (T + T*) x (nmcmc
or 1)).
contains the plot
method. The plot method contains
as input type.prob
which is one of "filtered", "predictive", "smoothed", "viterbi"
(Default: type.prob = "smoothed"
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # state from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) state <- State(object = spec, par = par, data = SMI) plot(state, type.prob = "filtered") # state from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) state <- State(object = fit) plot(state, type.prob = "smoothed") ## Not run: # state from MCMC fit set.seed(1234) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) state <- State(object = fit) plot(state, type.prob = "smoothed") ## End(Not run)
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # state from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) state <- State(object = spec, par = par, data = SMI) plot(state, type.prob = "filtered") # state from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) state <- State(object = fit) plot(state, type.prob = "smoothed") ## Not run: # state from MCMC fit set.seed(1234) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) state <- State(object = fit) plot(state, type.prob = "smoothed") ## End(Not run)
Method returning the transition matrix.
TransMat(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' TransMat(object, par = NULL, nahead = 1L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' TransMat(object, nahead = 1L, ...)
TransMat(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' TransMat(object, par = NULL, nahead = 1L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' TransMat(object, nahead = 1L, ...)
object |
Model specification of class |
... |
Not used. Other arguments to |
par |
Vector (of size d) of parameter estimates (not required when using a fit object) where d must have the same length as the default parameters of the specification. |
nahead |
Number of steps ahead. (Default: |
A matrix (of size K x K) in the case of a Markov-Switching model or a vector (of size K) in the case of a Mixture of GARCH model. The row indicates the starting states while the columns indicates the transition states.
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data by ML fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) # Extract the transition matrix 10 steps ahead trans.mat <- TransMat(fit, nahead = 10) print(trans.mat)
# create model specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # fit the model on the data by ML fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) # Extract the transition matrix 10 steps ahead trans.mat <- TransMat(fit, nahead = 10) print(trans.mat)
Method returning the unconditional volatility of the process.
UncVol(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' UncVol(object, par = NULL, ctr = list(), ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' UncVol(object, ctr = list(), ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' UncVol(object, ctr = list(), ...)
UncVol(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' UncVol(object, par = NULL, ctr = list(), ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' UncVol(object, ctr = list(), ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' UncVol(object, ctr = list(), ...)
object |
Model specification of class |
... |
Not used. Other arguments to |
par |
Vector (of size d) or matrix (of size |
ctr |
A list of control parameters:
If a matrix of MCMC posterior draws is given, the
Bayesian unconditional volatility is calculated.
The unconditional volatility is estimated by first simulating nsim
paths up to nburn + nahead
calculating a forecast of the conditional volatility at each step ahead,
discarding the first nburn
step ahead conditional volatilities forecasts,
and computing the mean of the remaining nahead - nburn
volatilites forecasts. This method is based on the fact that
the conditional volatility forecast will converge to the unconditional volatilty
the further the forecast his from the starting point.
We take the average as a way to remove the noise that comes with the simulation process.
Overall, this method allows to compute the unconditional volatilty complex models.
A scalar
of unconditional volatility.
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() ## Not run: # unconditional volatility from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) UncVol(object = spec, par = par) # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # unconditional volatility from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) UncVol(object = fit) var(SMI) # unconditional volatility from MCMC fit set.seed(1234) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) UncVol(object = fit) ## End(Not run)
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() ## Not run: # unconditional volatility from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) UncVol(object = spec, par = par) # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # unconditional volatility from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) UncVol(object = fit) var(SMI) # unconditional volatility from MCMC fit set.seed(1234) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) UncVol(object = fit) ## End(Not run)
Method returning the in-sample conditional volatility.
Volatility(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' Volatility(object, par, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' Volatility(object, newdata = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' Volatility(object, newdata = NULL, ...)
Volatility(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_SPEC' Volatility(object, par, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_ML_FIT' Volatility(object, newdata = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT' Volatility(object, newdata = NULL, ...)
object |
Model specification of class |
... |
Not used. Other arguments to |
par |
Vector (of size d) or matrix (of size |
data |
Vector (of size T) of observations. |
newdata |
Vector (of size T*) of new observations. (Default |
If a matrix of MCMC posterior draws is given, the Bayesian predictive conditional volatility is calculated.
In-sample condititional volatility (vector of size T + T*) of class MSGARCH_CONDVOL
class contains the plot
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # in-sample volatility from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) vol <- Volatility(object = spec, par = par, data = SMI) head(vol) plot(vol) # in-sample volatility from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) vol <- Volatility(object = fit) head(vol) plot(vol) ## Not run: # in-sample volatility from MCMC fit set.seed(1234) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) vol <- Volatility(object = fit) head(vol) plot(vol) ## End(Not run)
# create specification spec <- CreateSpec() # load data data("SMI", package = "MSGARCH") # in-sample volatility from specification par <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.99, 0.01) vol <- Volatility(object = spec, par = par, data = SMI) head(vol) plot(vol) # in-sample volatility from ML fit fit <- FitML(spec = spec, data = SMI) vol <- Volatility(object = fit) head(vol) plot(vol) ## Not run: # in-sample volatility from MCMC fit set.seed(1234) fit <- FitMCMC(spec = spec, data = SMI) vol <- Volatility(object = fit) head(vol) plot(vol) ## End(Not run)